por Ujiki.oO
en 2024-07-14
en bash, BupTouchBWAllSources.sh, Compression, CSS, Delete ALL, JavaScript, MakeGZifNewer.sh, PHP, z My Special Data, z Sources4PHP, 全削除, 公開スクリプト, 圧縮
Información sobre el script bash «BupTouchBWAllSources.sh» versión 1.5.
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en 2023-04-07
en /etc/group, Account, Administrators, bash, BupTouchBWAllSources.sh, cygwin, Local Account, mkgroup, Others, Standard User, Windows, Windows11, WordPress, XAMPP
In WordPress used with XAMPP that starts at the lowest general user level, understand the group name at the XAMPP level and adjust the user and group using the bash script BupTouchBWAllSources.sh that starts with Cygwin?
en 2022-11-06
en bash, BupTouchBWAllSources.sh, CLOSURE-COMPILER, CSS, cygwin, gzip, gzip -dc, JavaScript, MakeGZifNewer.sh, MD5, MD5 comparison, md5sum, MD5比較, StyleSheet, Two Stage Compression, YUICOMPRESSOR, 二段階圧縮, 公開スクリプト
2019/01/01 gitlab.com/Ujiki.oO/…/MakeGZifNewer.sh GITLABに初版としてアップしてから3年間を経て、新しいバージョンを用意しました。
en 2022-08-07
en bash, BupTouchBWAllSources.sh, CSS, JavaScript, MakeGZifNewer.sh, PHP
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